User Research

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Relevant Points to Consider

  1. Child's Development Stages
    1. 3 - 5 yrs old: Initiative vs Guilt
      1. Preschoolers learn to initiate tasks and carry ou plans, or they feel guilty about efforts to be independent.
      2. Parents create rules and figure out how to effectively guide their children's behavior.
    2. 5 - 13 yrs old: Industry vs Inferiority
      1. Chidren learn the pleasure of applying themselves to tasks, or they fele inferior.
      2. Parents help their children interpret their experiences with the social world beyond the family.
  2. Statistics around playing video games
    1. Hours spent playing video game per week in global average is 7.11 and in the US is 7.61 hrs as of a report from the Limelight Network's State of Online Gaming 2019.
    2. Average daily time spent playing video games among children in the US in 2019 is:
      1. mobile games is 35 minutes for boys and 26 minutes for girls
      2. console games is 79 minutes for boys and 14 minutes for girls
      3. computer games is 23 minutes for boys and 7 minutes for girls
  3. Educational game mechanics
    1. Leave room for creativity
    2. Put the focus on fun
    3. Minimize and transform boring details
  4. Art Style and Color Psychology
    1. Children tend to be attracted to bright colors
    2. For toddlers the primary colors are more appealing than lighter shades of color