As primary research we conducted a short survey sent out to parents inside MDM's faculty and cohort to acquire some information around their children's game habits and parent's interest around the possibility of presenting this topic of energy to their kids.
Research Timeline
Key Insights
Among the respondants it's a common factor that children around the age range we're conducting research they all play games and spent a large amount of time playing in the week between 3 to 9 hours which gives us a considerable opportunity for the usage of our product.
Children these days are digital natives and from a very early age learn to use and navigate multiple devices for playing. Tablets had the highest popularity and for the design of our gamplay it suited well, so after conducting this survey we decided to continue developing our prototype for these specific format.
We learned that the types of games they play it stays disperse among the different genres with multiplayer games being the most popular. For our product development, we considered that we didn't had the sufficient skills or time to create a multiplayer game prototype but we implemented it as a social feature as well in our content design of the game app (inside the games feature) and for documentation purposes.
In a very simplistic manner, we wanted to verify and document the parents' interest around the possibility of a game app that would introduce the topic of energy saving to their children and the overall response was a positive affirmation.